사일러스 비숍
사악한 힘이 주입된 자

괴물. 흉물. 정예.

전투: 3. 체력: 6. 회피: 7.
피해: 2. 공포: 2.


Silas Bishop cannot make attacks of opportunity.

승점 2.
What walked on the mountains that May-Night?
What Roodmas horror fastened itself on the world in half human flesh and blood?
—H. P. Lovecraft, "The Dunwich Horror"
Sam Lamont
제단에 흘린 피 #216. 제단에 흘린 피 #22.
사일러스 비숍


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • If an enemy is “considered” engaged with you because of the Massive keyword, it will enable abilities – like the Machete’s – that require you to be engaged with an enemy. However, there is no timing point of engagement, you’re just “considered” engaged with it, so you can’t really trigger reactions to becoming engaged with the enemy, like Zoey Samaras or Zoey's Cross.
Last updated


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