얼 소여
겉으로 드러나는 것보다 영리하다

자산. 조력자

조력자. 던위치.

비용: 3.

체력: 3. 정신력: 2.

당신은 +1 을 얻습니다.

당신이 적 하나를 회피한 후, ‘얼 소여’를 소진합니다: 카드를 1장 뽑습니다.

윌버 웨이틀리가 자리를 비운 동안 말과 소를 돌보고 있던 얼 소여는 애석하게도 급성 신경증을 앓고야 말았다.
–H.P. 러브크래프트, “던위치의 공포”
Rafał Hrynkiewicz
제단에 흘린 피 #218. 제단에 흘린 피 #24.
얼 소여


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • When you are given the chance whether or not to include a particular card in an investigator’s deck, that is the only chance you get to make that decision. If at that point you choose not to include that card, you aren’t given the chance to include it later (unless stated otherwise). If you do choose to include that card in an investigator’s deck, it is recorded under “Earned Story Assets/Weaknesses,” and that investigator must then continue to include it in his or her deck (unless stated otherwise).

  • Question: "Retiring investigators has been the subject of some discussion lately, and you were quoted as ruling you could freely retire investigators by treating yourself as a new 'player' (per the campaign rules on joining and leaving a campaign). Is it legit, then, to 'retire' an investigator with story assets, then 'rejoin' with that investigator later, strictly to avoid risking the story asset (such as on The Essex County Express), and not because that player is sitting out the game? And for that matter, can a 4-player campaign load all the story assets onto one player, and have that player sit Essex County for this purpose?" Answer: "I don’t think there’s anything explicitly preventing players from doing this as far as the rules are concerned, but I think doing so would go against the spirit of the rules. The ability to retire from and/or join an in-progress campaign exists to give players more freedom when playing through a campaign with friends. Schedules can sometimes be hectic, and when it comes to gaming, real life comes first. Sometimes players cannot make it to a play session, and sometimes you'd like to include a friend mid-campaign without having to start over. These rules were written in such a way as to allow players the freedom to have players drop in and out with relative ease, without compromising the integrity of any player’s deck, or the story. I would urge players to not intentionally abuse these rules to try and get around specific story resolution effects."
Last updated


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