Q: Robes of Endless Night has a triggered ability that makes it so playing a Spell card does not provoke an attack of opportunity. If I used this ability in reaction to playing Astral Travel, which has a bold "Move" keyword, would I provoke an attack of opportunity? That is, does the ability on Robes merely prevent attacks of opportunity from taking a Play action to play Spell cards while not preventing attacks of opportunity from the card's effects, or does it cover the entire playing of the card, so to speak? A: To answer your question(s):
- Exhausting Robes of Endless Night (2) when you play Astral Travel would not result in an Attack of Opportunity.
- Also noting that the “play” action taken by playing Astral Travel would only result in one AoO; a second one for Astral Travel’s Move would not occur. MJ described this as “a play action that was also a move action.”
비용: 3.
이동. 아무 공개된 장소 한 곳으로 이동하고 혼돈 주머니에서 무작위 토큰을 1개 공개합니다. , , , , 기호가 공개되면, 당신은 자신이 조종하는 물품 또는 조력자 자산을 하나 버려야 합니다(그렇게 할 수 없다면, 피해를 1 받습니다).

연관된 카드
- Astral Travel (Jacqueline Fine #13)
(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
I'm not convinced about this card. I don't feel like Move actions are the most difficult actions to take in this game. I understand very well the "action compression" it provides, for example if you need two Move actions to get to where you wanna go. But here's the catch:
- You have to pay 3 resources for an otherwise free (at least in terms of resources) action. Considering you can use 1 of your action to get 1 resource, it would require to move 4 locations away to get value out the card
- It does not prevent enemies from making attack of opportunities, so you can't use it as an emergency card
- If you reveal the wrong token, you lose an asset That's too much of wrong sides for my taste :) It's too bad, as the exact same Spell in Arkham Horror the Board Game was probably one of my favorite.
Very situational at least, and until investigators have a way to switch easily cards like Adaptable, it will probably not see much play.
It might not be worth the slots in your deck, but I wonder if this is Luke Robinson's get-out-of-pointless-reality card. You can ignore the 6 shroud investigate OR horror penalty and just use this action to move away.