주요사건. Stage 2
파멸: 3. 단서: –
More and more, this place continues to fall into madness, transforming before your very eyes…
Forced - When this agenda would advance by reaching its doom threshold: Instead, remove all doom in play and randomly resolve one of the Sickening Reality cards underneath the scenario reference card. If there are no cards underneath the scenario reference card, advance to agenda 2b instead.
Cristi Balanescu
카르코사로 가는 길 #63. 마지막 왕 #3.
놈들을 쓰러뜨릴 수 없다면... - Back
It's all in your head. It must be. How else could you explain what is going on around you? You've had one too many drinks, and your mind is playing tricks on you. Everybody is having so much fun - all they want is for you to join them.

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