북쪽 탑 - Back
The north tower along the outer wall overlooks the town on one side and the tumultuous waters on the other. Freezing rain has made this path slippery and dangerous to follow.
장막: 4. 단서: 1.
While the current "a" agenda has more doom on it than the current "c" agenda, reduce the difficulty of each skill test at North Tower by 1.
승점 1.
Wet, stone steps lead higher up the path, toward the abbey. Above, black storm clouds threaten to overtake the island.
Andreas Rocha
검은 별이 떠오르다 #288. 검은 별이 떠오르다 #17.

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- 북쪽 탑 (검은 별이 떠오르다 #287)
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