음모. 약점



조사자당 1장 한정. 덱당 1장 한정.


당신은 “중독”되었습니다. (“중독” 자체는 어떠한 게임 효과도 갖지 않습니다. 하지만 “중독”된 조사자에게는 일부 카드 효과가 바뀌기도 하고, 더 가혹하게 적용되기도 합니다.)

Rafał Hrynkiewicz
잊힌 시대 #102. 독 #3-6.


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One of the better cards in Forgotten Age. If you are going to be poisoned, this is the way to do it. Some good combos include:

Creeping Poison - Allowing you to deal testless damage to an investigator, then draw an additional encounter card. Snakescourge - Allows you to draw an additional encounter card.

You can also use this card to make autofails more likely, which is great for an Any% run.

This is not the best card if you are trying to win the campaign.

SorryLaurie · 607
Beautiful. We need more reviews like this — MiskatonicFrosh · 344
Is there a way to poison someone else? Cat burglar or stealth disengage a viper in their face? — Django · 5114
You handle this one to give your guardian Snake Bite — zrayak · 87