What does "surviving" mean here? Do you take trauma if you resigned? What if you had already been defeated (defeated does not equal killed)? I really wish that reviews did not require 200 characters.
They require 200 characters because asking a question is not a review. There are plenty of other places you can go to ask rules questions. Since you can't be defeated if you've already been defeated or resigned, it only applies to investigators who are still in the level. Check the rules for Elimination to confirm this, it's fairly simple.
· 214
I think surviving means in this circumstances every investigator, who isn't killed or gone insane by to Traumata s, regardless if they are defeated or resigned.
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"Surviving" means each investigator who began the scenario but has not already resigned or been defeated.
· 96
surviving investigators = remaining investigators = investigators who are not eliminated
· 499
"The only manner in which eliminated investigators interact with the game is when establishing "per investigator" values (see "Per Investigator" on page 16)." Investigators who have resigned or been defeated are 100% safe from card effects. After being eliminated they are removed from the game until the scenario's resolution
· 10
You are right, with the wording it only matter for this scenario. I had the optional rule for playing a campaign in mind, when you take over your investigator to the next.
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