주요목적. Stage 2
단서: 2.
You watched Ichtaca enter this abandoned cave on her own. What is she doing in such a strange place?
Objective - Only investigators in the Black Cave can spend the requisite number of clues, as a group, to advance. There must be no clues remaining on the Black Cave in order to advance this act.
Joshua Cairós
운명의 실 가닥 #135. 운명의 실 가닥 #23.
싸움에 휘말리다 - Back
As you search for your companion, a piercing cry echoes throughout the cave, spurring you onward. Deep within the cave, you find Ichtaca in the midst of a battle with several robed figures. She fires an arrow from her bow, striking one of the figures in its chest, then ducks behind an outcropping of rock as she sees you enter. A wave of eldritch energy strikes the place she had been standing moments prior, charring the ground. "What are you doing here?" she yells angrily.
Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck. Discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until a Cultist enemy is discarded (2 Cultist enemies instead if there are 2 or fewer act decks remaining).
Spawn those enemies in Black Cave (instead of their normal spawn location). Until the end of the scenario, remember that those enemies are "Ichtaca's prey."
Advance to Act 3e - "The Brotherhood Is Revealed."

연관된 카드
- 어둠에 잠긴 동굴 : 어둠 속의 통로 (운명의 실 가닥 #136)
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