주요목적. Stage 1
단서: 3.
The vast underground caverns of K’n-yan are cold and all too quiet. Scattered, forsaken ruins lie undisturbed along your path to the Nexus of N’kai. What happened in this ancient and forgotten place? Were these ruins once occupied by humans? Or by a species far, far older?
Tom Garden
고대 문명의 심장부 #213. 크느 얀 #3.
길을 맴돌다 - Back
With very few landmarks to spot along the dark and lonely tunnels, you must rely on your wits and navigation skills to make your way forward without getting lost. If only you had an easy way to mark the places you have already visited…
Shuffle Descent to Yoth into the exploration deck.
The lead investigator chooses one investigator to be the group's scout. That investigator checks his or her supplies.
If the scout has chalk, you are able to avoid traveling in circles. The scout suffers no ill effects.
If the scout does not have chalk, place 1 clue on each location in play (from the token pool). Then, if the scout is on a single-sided location, shuffle that location back into the exploration deck. Move each enemy and investigator that was at that location to a connecting location nearest to the Mouth of K'n-yan.

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