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사용(비밀 3개).

‘정신의 양식’을 소진하고 비밀을 1개 소비합니다: (0)을 테스트합니다. 능력값이 난이도를 넘어선 차이만큼 카드를 뽑습니다. 그런 다음, 당신이 손에 들 수 있는 카드 장수 제한보다 손에 든 카드가 많다면, 초과한 카드 장수만큼 공포를 받습니다.

Dual Brush Studios
요스 깊은 곳으로 #267.
정신의 양식


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Frankly speaking, I do not think this is among the best of cards.

  • The risk. Drawing just one, two, or no cards if you draw a bad token.
  • The actions. An action to play and more actions to use. The net gain is very fast on good token draws, but you're still depending on luck! I find 3 draws at 5 a rather stable result on standard.

There's also a resource cost but as a you don't care about that much.

So, when is it good?


Not for every Daisy Walker, she's busy with her Old Book of Lore, the arcane slot also has lots more competition. It might be worth a shot once the book turns into Encyclopedia, but that's often very far down the line.

Not for Norman Withers, obviously.

Rex Murphy can put it to use, you can definitely build a deck with it to quickly draw all the tools and support to keep you moving and clue-ing. But be aware that you'll see a lot more of his weakness.

Ursula Downs can use it too, but again in a fairly "alternative" kind of way, just to draw her deck faster and find the movement assets, the plan more consistently.

And finally, in my opinion where this card is at its finest, Minh Thi Phan. Minh likes skill cards, she likes Cornered to work around the weakness and to use with Strange Solution, Cornered + Strange Solution means that she fights at +8, very nice for a , and Feed the Mind fuels it with cards to discard.


So, at the moment, a utility card that's just got one proper deck where it really really shines. Try it. I recommend it.

Tsuruki23 · 2558
I really like this card for Marie Lambeaou (she can play spells LV0-5), her extra action, high INT and stuff like Tentacle Statue and Premonition deal with the risks. This could add more consistency to Lola Hayes. With Leo de Luca she can compensate the action disadvantage somewhat. But this risks drawing her weakness and discard feed the mind plus other INT boosts.. — Django · 5114
Marie can't take Grotesque Statue, but she loooves Seal of the Elder Sign to deal with her weakness. Using Feed the Mind + Seal to draw 6 cards and also add a doom to the Baron is awesome. — Ebrey · 238
I love this card with Minh. Use your skill cards to ensure you ace the test and draw more skill cards. What's not to like? Plus I've not seen much contention for her arcane slots anyway. — PuppyBrat · 1
worth mentioning that this achieves additional value if you have Knowledge of the Elders out — Zinjanthropus · 229
I love this card in Minh's decks with Laboratory assistant + Dream-enhancing serum to have half my deck in my hand. — AlexP · 255