

Remove all doom from this card.

For the remainder of the game, doom cannot be placed on Silver Twilight enemies, and Josef Meiger gains aloof.

Flip this card back to its enemy side and disengage it from all investigators.

Josef lowers his weapon and studies you for a moment. "Perhaps you are telling the truth. But if that is true…" He ponders the situation, then holsters his weapon and checks his pocket watch. "Regardless, we have little time. If my estimate is correct, the anomaly will recede soon. We must be out of the manor before that occurs, or we'll all be trapped here."
You ask how he knows all of this, but he merely shakes his head. "This is not the time. Ask again if we make it out of here alive."
끝맺지 못한 의식 #85. 죽음의 문턱에서 #21.

요제프 마이거
집회소 관리자


인간형. 추종자. 은빛 황혼회. 정예.

전투: 3. 체력: 2. 회피: 3.
피해: 1. 공포: 1.


If no other Silver Twilight enemy has doom on it: Parley. Test (4) to convince Josef that this is not your doing. If you fail, Josef Meiger attacks you. If you succeed, flip this card over and resolve its text.

승점 2.
"Do not rouse the beast you do not comprehend."
Kip Ayers
끝맺지 못한 의식 #85. 죽음의 문턱에서 #21.
요제프의 계획
요제프 마이거


No faqs yet for this card.


DIANA: "Mr. Meiger, we're not your enemy."

JOSEF MEIGER: "I don't believe you. Not after you allowed my brethren to do their work without interference, and protected them from flesh-eating zombie dogs."

DIANA: "... k brb"


(Play: Dynamite Blast)


DIANA: "Mr. Meiger, we're not your enemy. Also I turned your bedroom into a gazebo."

JOSEF MEIGER: "Perhaps you are telling the truth..."

HanoverFist · 740
You don't need to move to play Dynamite blast...just dodge! — MrGoldbee · 1473
Ha! I admit I skipped a few steps in this little narrative... though I was tempted to add (Reaction: Relentless) DIANA: "Oo, two dollars!" — HanoverFist · 740