주요목적. Stage 2
단서: 5.
Among the books in this strange room is a black, nameless tome inscribed with dried red blood. It matches a description from Walter Gilman’s journal of a tome he names "The Black Book." This room must be the haunt of Keziah Mason, from over 200 years ago. It is rumored that Keziah had discovered deep mathematical truths that allowed her to traverse space and time. Perhaps you can find a way out using this knowledge.
Objective - Only investigators in the Witch House Ruins may spend the requisite number of clues, as a group, to advance.
Yoann Boissonnet
비밀 이름 #126. 비밀 이름 #7.
불경한 의식 - Back
Searching through the ruins, you find a rotting hole in the slanted ceiling, leading to a closed-off attic. Amidst the debris are crushed and splintered bones, some human and some... not. More of Keziah's awful tomes are scattered about, filled with pages of dark rituals and black spellcraft. On the floor, a circle has been carved - or perhaps gnawed - into the wood. At the center lies a spatter of dried blood and a jagged knife. What terrible rituals were performed in this profane space? Perhaps there is a way you can know for sure. You take the knife and prick your hand deep enough for blood to well in your palm. Using Keziah's formulae, you draw a pattern in the circle, and carve a path through time...
Put the set-aside Site of the Sacrifice location into play.
- If it is agenda 1, 2, or 3, find Nahab (even if she is out of play), place 2 doom on her, and place her at the Site of the Sacrifice.
- If it is agenda 4, find Nahab (even if she is out of play) and place her at the Site of the Sacrifice. Move each doom from agenda 4a to Nahab.
Find Brown Jenkin (even if he is out of play) and place him in Nahab's current location.

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