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The door to the Inner Sanctum is locked. You cannot enter the Inner Sanctum unless you control the key.
At the end of the catacombs lies a set of iron doors adorned with the symbol of the Silver Twilight Lodge - three arrows pointed upwards. Unsurprisingly, the doors are locked tight.
집회소. 성소.
장막: 4. 단서: 1.
Forced - After the Inner Sanctum is revealed: Place 1 random set-aside key on it.
At the far end of this room, a podium stands atop a wooden platform. Several rows of plush seats face the stage. You've never heard of a meeting room like this within the Lodge; this must be a place for only the most dedicated and trusted members.
Greg Bobrowski
대의를 위하여 #216. 대의를 위하여 #20.
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