주요사건. Stage 3

파멸: 4. 단서: –
The entirety of the Moon’s denizens are raised against you now. Behind every corner, a group of Corsairs lies in wait, or a pack of hunting cats lurks to herd you toward its vicious masters. The skies above swarm with winged beasts and black galleys. If you cannot find a way back to Earth, you will surely be captured.

(Hint - The game will not end when this agenda advances... but the agents of Nyarlathotep will tighten their noose.)

Régis Moulun
달의 어두운 면 #209. 달의 어두운 면 #4.

사냥 개시 - Back

There is nowhere left to run.

Raise each investigator's alarm level by 1.

Each investigator takes horror equal to half their alarm level (rounded up).

Reset the agenda deck to agenda 3a. Then, place 2 doom on that agenda.

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