계곡. 중심부.
장막: 3. 단서: 0
: Test (5) to attempt to scale the treacherous peaks. If you succeed, flip this card over and resolve the text on its other side.
Forced - When you leave Peaks of Thok: You must test (2) to climb down safely. If you fail, take 1 damage.
Dual Brush Studios
돌아갈 수 없는 다리 #260. 돌아갈 수 없는 다리 #14.
Search the encounter deck and discard pile for a Hunting Nightgaunt and spawn it at Vale of Pnath, exhausted.
Each investigator at Peaks of Thok may draw 2 cards.
Choose any enemy in play and place 2 clues on it.
Flip this card back over.
You climb to the top of the hazardous peaks to survey the lands below. From this vantage point, you are able to see the movements of the various creatures that live in the vale. Soaring all around the peaks are black, winged things that somehow scowl at you with empty, expressionless faces. Upon the cliff that hangs over the vale, ghoul eyes watch your progress with morbid curiosity. The mound of bones and detritus below the precipice is home to nothing but the churning and dredging of something massive under the surface. To your left, the misty vale extends for miles until it reaches an enormous stone wall. Opposite the wall, far in the distance, you barely make out the shape of a city in the darkness. Incomprehensible whispers and mocking laughter seep into your ears. You dare no further study.
돌아갈 수 없는 다리 #260. 돌아갈 수 없는 다리 #14.

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