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폭로 - ‘바다 핏줄의 부름’을 플레이 영역 중 당신의 위협 영역에 둡니다.

능력 테스트에 카드를 1장 이상 소모하기 위한 추가 비용으로, 당신은 이러한 카드가 가진 능력 아이콘 가운데 이번 능력 테스트와 일치하는 것마다 자원을 1개씩 지불해야 합니다.

: ‘바다 핏줄의 부름’을 버립니다.

Rafał Hrynkiewicz
인스머스에 드리운 음모 #16.
바다 핏줄의 부름


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This has been updated to match my "Signature Weakness Project." I have done my best to make sure that the original content isn't altered too much, out of respect for any comments.

Everyone seems to think that this is a really bad weakness, and everyone is right. Looking at the two elements, the effect and the discard condition, we get:

The effect: You pay a resource for every matching icon you commit. Silas, who generally runs resource-lite, does not like this card at all and will want to clear it PDQ. There is no mitigation besides having a bunch of resources or the free space to take a .

The discard condition: Take two actions, which is a pain in solo, but less so in multiplayer. Watch out for those AoOs!

All in all, this is an average signature weakness.

Box vs book Since it's a set with two pretty good signature assets and not in the "worst signature weaknesses of all time" gallery, it's up to personal preference whether you want to go with the "box," "book," or both signature sets. Pick your pleasure and your poison.

Question: Does the wording of this card mean: — HanoverFist · 740
... (dang enter-key, sorry for double comment) ... So does it mean 1. Single cards with N matching icons (e.g. Overpower) cost 1 resource or N resources? 2. (?) pips count towards matches? 3. If the answer to 2 is Yes, how does this calculate on cards with 2 different icons + 1 or more (?) icons? (e.g. Beloved) 4. Does this card affect matching pips across multiple cards? (e.g. Commit Test Of Will & Cherished Keepsake, both having only 1 Will pip each) 5. Do skill which add pips after commitment dodge the price? (e.g. Able Bodied or "Not Without A Fight") — HanoverFist · 740
NVM, I just learned I was misunderstanding the card almost entirely; I thought "matching" meant against other pips, but what was intended was "matching the skill being tested", which answers or renders-moot my first 4 questions. — HanoverFist · 740
Something I just realized is that wild icons are not "matching icons". So committing a card like Last Chance doesn't cost Silas extra resources to play with Siren Call in his threat area. — GADave · 1
Wild icons still count. According to the FAQ, "Wild icons committed to a skill test are considered "matching" icons for the purposes of card abilities." — koaexe · 29