인스머스 항만 - Back

"The harbour, long clogged with sand, was enclosed by an ancient stone breakwater; on which I could begin to discern the minute forms of a few seated fishermen, and at whose end were what looked like the foundations of a bygone lighthouse. A sandy tongue had formed inside this barrier, and upon it I saw a few decrepit cabins, moored dories, and scattered lobster-pots." - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth



장막: 3. 단서: 2.

Forced - After you successfully investigate Innsmouth Harbour by 3 or more: Look at the top card of the Leads deck. Then, shuffle the Leads deck. (Group limit once per round.)

"...just try to fish there yourself and see how the folks chase you off!" - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth
Tomasz Jedruszek
인스머스에 드리운 음모 #66. 엘리나 하퍼의 실종 #11.
인스머스 항만
인스머스 항만


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We're genuinely confounded with why anyone would like to merely look at a card on the Leads deck only to then shuffle it back in. What good will that ever do for us? Simply looking at a card doesn't trigger Revelation, right? Even "revealing" a card from a deck shouldn't trigger it, only Drawing triggers Revelations. So why would we ever care for this effect?

Scio · 2
The goal of the scenario is to sus out what are the location / suspect absent from the leads deck. Triggering this effect lets you look at one of the leads cards. If it is a suspect or location you hadn't seen before, you can eliminate that cards from the possible suspects and your future guess becomes more accurate ! — aurchen · 17