인스머스 광장 - Back

From your vantage point, you see a red bus parked in the square. Getting a ride would be a tremendous help in escaping this infested, decrepit town. Then you hear a petrifying sound emanating from the square - a thunderous, deep growl that gives you second thoughts about proceeding.


인스머스. 중심가.

장막: 4. 단서: 1.

Forced - After this location is revealed: Spawn the set-aside Innsmouth Shoggoth at this location, exhausted.

: Parley. Move 1 barrier between this location and a connecting location so it is between this location and a different connecting location.

If the investigators control 2 or more keys, as a group: Parley. Read Flashback V in the Campaign Guide.

승점 1.
Mark Molnar
너무나 깊은 수렁 #139. 너무나 깊은 수렁 #17.
인스머스 광장
인스머스 광장


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