데이곤의 침소 - Back
The steep, twisting stairway beyond the doorway leads you deeper and deeper into the caverns below the building. Effigies depicting aquatic monstrosities watch you from both sides as you descend into a realm of alien architecture and otherworldly riches.
이하 느틀레이. 침소.
장막: 3. 단서: 3.
Forced - After you enter Lair of Dagon: Test your lowest skill (3). If you fail, take 1 horror.
: Test (3) or (3). If you succeed, place 1 of your clues on the current act. You may spend 1 key to place 1 more of your clues on the current act.
승점 1.
Daria Khlebnikova
데이곤의 침소 #291. 데이곤의 침소 #18.

연관된 카드
- Lair of Dagon: Sanctuary of Father Dagon (Into the Maelstrom #328)
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