There are a lot of Seeker cards that you would gladly forego your auto-resource to add a secret to, and this enables that interaction. I can mostly think of tomes so Daisy will love this, but some of those tomes are powerful enough that any seeker will take them, and this is akin to a third or fourth copy of those cards (or a second copy for the Necronomicon). There's also plenty of non-tome secret cards this benefits as well, making a secret-based deck more viable.
자산. 마법
비용: 0. XP: 3.
사용(비밀 0개).
당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 조사자는 ‘아리아드네의 실타래’에 놓인 비밀을, 자신이 조종하는 자산에 놓인 것처럼 소비할 수 있습니다.
‘아리아드네의 실타래’를 소진합니다: 당신이 조종하는 자산 하나에게서 당신의 자원 저장소로(혹은 반대로) 비밀 1개를 이동시킵니다(해당 비밀은 자원이 됩니다).
Tom Garden
몰아치는 소용돌이 속으로 #304.

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Also very good in a deck using Mr Rook and Astounding Revelation. With this card effectively turning resources into secrets at a rate of 1 per turn, you can effectively get unlimited deck searches, which is ridiculous. I'd live to use this combo in a Mandy (Mystic) deck, to make use of Quantum Flux and Enraptured to create a super-reliable deck where you're never short of the cards you need.
· 11
This is a dream combo with The Necronomicon (from Harvey Walters deck). It adds +1 secret per turn to necronomicon. Or even better, when you charge it first your Necronomicon can come later with +8 secrets (6 damage).
· 1
I think that upgrading this card is one of the valuable way to spend 2xp in arkham horror LCG.
Here is Ariadne's Twine 1xp version.
Asset. Arcane
Cost: 3. XP: 1.
Test Icons:
Uses (0 secrets).
Secrets on Ariadne's Twine can be spent as if they were on any asset controlled by an investigator at your location.
Exhaust Ariadne's Twine: Move 1 secret from an asset you control to your resource pool, as a resource, or vice versa.
I think raising the costs is to easy for this especially if you consider that most off-classes can take it (think about Luke with Diana an deny existence). I would change the cost per secret. Additionally you can change it so your are the only user.
· 1
Reading carefully is essential. I missed that you have changed the trigger. I think it's OK, but nevertheless I would change it so that only you can use the secrets
· 1
I forgot already spending 1 resource for 3xp version so that I edit the cost :)
· 499
Good catch.
· 1473
With it costing an action to move secrets, this card is basically unusable
· 2
It doesn't cost an action.....
· 1