주요사건. Stage 2

파멸: 8. 단서: –
Even this deep beneath the surface of the ocean, you can tell that your time is running short. You feel the pull of the tide as it courses through the water. Every bone in your body quakes. The walls breathe as though alive.

Forced - When your turn begins, if you are at a fully flooded location, you struggle for air: When your turn ends, if you did not enter an unflooded or partially flooded location during your turn, take 5 direct damage.

Brad Rigney
몰아치는 소용돌이 속으로 #313. 몰아치는 소용돌이 속으로 #3.

심해의 두 폭군 - Back


If Hydra is in play, flip her to her (Awakened and Enraged) side.

If Dagon is in play and slumbering, flip him to his (Awakened and Enraged) side.

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