하이드라의 침소 - Back

Amidst the sound of cascading waterfalls, the deep rumbling of something enormous stirring emanates from below. Each of the thing's breaths resounds throughout the city, shaking the walls, filling your heart with fear, and yet, calling to you.

하이드라의 침소
어미 하이드라의 대신전


이하 느틀레이. 침소.

장막: 6. 단서: 3.

Lair of Hydra gets -1 shroud for each Sanctum location with a key on it.

Place the black, purple, or white key on this location: Deal 3 damage to an Ancient One enemy that is not slumbering. (Group limit once per game.)

Daria Khlebnikova
몰아치는 소용돌이 속으로 #329. 몰아치는 소용돌이 속으로 #24.
하이드라의 침소
하이드라의 침소


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