운명을 예지하라


깨지지 않은.

비용: –.


릴리 첸 덱 전용. 영속.

당신은 +1 을 얻습니다.

: 당신이 이번 차례에 수행하는 다음 능력 테스트 한 번에 한해, 당신은 +5 능력값을 얻습니다. 해당 능력 테스트가 끝난 후, 이 자산을 뒤집습니다. 이 행동은 틈새 공격을 유발하지 않습니다.

Lin Hsiang
지구의 끝자락 조사자 확장 #13.

운명을 예지하라



비용: –.


릴리 첸 덱 전용. 영속.

라운드가 끝난 후, 당신이 이번 라운드에 능력 테스트를 수행하지 않았다면: 이 자산을 깨지지 않은 면으로 뒤집습니다.

Lin Hsiang
지구의 끝자락 조사자 확장 #13.


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A pretty nice discipline. Probably a must have as a first or second if you want the willpower one). The condition to flip it after being broken is quite hard, tbf. Quick question, can you use the ability twice in a row to get a +10 on your third action?

Also, if that is true, RAW you could flip it twice so it goes back to the unbroken side (kinda joking, kinda not).

Jota · 7
Regarding using the ability twice in a row: Dumbly enough, I think you're right. At the very least, I don't see any wording on the card itself that would prevent you from doing so. — NightgauntTaxiService · 430
I think, that once you fliped the card, the unbroken side is out of play. So the ability to flip it back would wiff. I do agree, though, that this should be able to provide you with a +10 on a test, but the action cost for this is quite steep. — Susumu · 372
Then again, it should count as a delayed effect, so might trigger regardless. Not sure, if it would be overpowered, too. Spending 3 actions for a +10 test is on average maybe worth it once per campaign, all the more, as Lilly can't take Shotguns, has little payoff for oversucceeding wildly. — Susumu · 372
Maybe Jeeves can teamwork her a shotgun. — Lailah · 1