
재능. 침착.

비용: 0. XP: 3.

체력: 1. 정신력: 3.

신속. 플레이 상태인 침착은 1장 한정.

당신은 +1 와 +1 을 얻습니다.

직접적이지 않은 피해/공포는 당신의 조사자 카드에 할당되기 전에, ‘쥐어짜낸 용기’에 우선적으로 할당되어야 합니다.

자원을 1개 소비합니다: 당신은 이번 능력 테스트에서 +1 또는 +1 을 얻습니다.

Dani Hartel
지구의 끝자락 조사자 확장 #81.
쥐어짜낸 용기


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Unlike the base version with "-" health, allowing the damage to pass through to the investigator without breaking composure, this version you need to protect it from damages as well since it has 1 printed health.

But has Leather Coat, etc. and soak Item tricks like Scavenging, I find it much easier to protect than e.g. Moxie (3) on where they tends to fail treacheries and take horror hits breaking the composure. Added with an option to spend more naturally enables more Scavenging to continue protecting it.

I found that 4 is useful in Standard since 2 shroud locations with high clues are abundant in this game. Looking through those who could take Lv. 3 , it seems only Wendy Adams is at 3 waiting for that critical +1. I have tested and it improves her neutral investigation a lot. (As well as granting 5 to be really solid against treacheries.) She can now also Scavenging without dedicating a hand slot for Lockpicks.

5argon · 10826
Protect it...why? When I can just pull it back out of my discard pile and replay it for free!. but seriously yea super OP card and if you have a leather coat this is just GG never die and be smort. — Zerogrim · 295