Bit confused how this works: example: I take an investigate action does it mean I can’t take another investigate action or does it mean I can’t now take another investigate action nor a parley or draw action?
음모. 기본 약점
폭로 - ‘인사불성’을 플레이 영역 중 당신의 위협 영역에 둡니다.
‘인사불성’은 당신이 가진 공포 1점인 것처럼 간주하여 회복될 수 있습니다(이 카드를 회복시켰다면, 이 카드를 버립니다).
강제 - 당신이 협상 또는 카드 뽑기 또는 조사 행동을 수행한 후: 당신은 차례가 끝날 때까지, 협상 행동도 카드 뽑기 행동도 조사 행동도 수행할 수 없습니다.
Tom Garden
지구의 끝자락 조사자 확장 #133.

No faqs yet for this card.
The latter
· 258
not a review but a question:
If I use flashlight to investigate, is it regarded as an activate action or an investigate action?
There are a lot of similar questions, e.g.
If I use Scout Ahead to move, is it regarded as a play action or a move action?
If I use Disguise to evade, is it regarded as an evade action or an activate action?
I think that the answer is both.
· 7
I send the message by error. Wanted to add that, for the card Hasta, it works like that AFAIK
· 7
Haste* Goddammit, sorry for the spam
· 7
This had been asked and answered a lot of time: They are both. Otherwise, if fighting with a weapon was just an activate action, or fighting with a kill spell like "Spectral Razor" just a play action, they would provoke AoO! Also check the FAQ for Ursula Downs, who can use her free investigate on anything with an Investigate designator as well, not just a basic Investigate action. Of course, this also applies to cases like here, where actions are restricted.
· 372
If I post a rules question on ArkhamDB, it is a review action or an FAQ action?
· 74