주요사건. Stage 4
파멸: 5. 단서: –
Several of your party have mysteriously vanished in the night. Without a sign of any struggle, you can only assume they left of their own accord...but why?
Juan Carlos Barquet
지구의 끝자락 캠페인 확장 #23. 한밤중의 실종 #1.
설원에 남은 자취 - Back
As you journey through the glacial wilds, you stumble across a set of tracks in the snow leading farther from camp. You pause and investigate further. Were these tracks made by one of your missing team members? Or by something more...monstrous?
Choose a facedown encounter card beneath a location. Look at the other side of that card (without resolving its text). Then return it facedown beneath that location.

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