주요사건. Stage 3
파멸: 11. 단서: –
You once again find yourself trapped in an endless prison of distorted thought...
Take 1 horror: Move to the Prison of Memories.
Lin Hsiang
지구의 끝자락 캠페인 확장 #52. 치명적인 신기루 #4.
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Your consciousness is dismantled, this time violently. It is as though your capacity to feel, to think, has been ripped to shreds by the incomprehensible depth of this awful prison. Infinite leagues apart, your every molecule struggles to remain you as your mind is usurped.
When you finally awaken, a full day has passed.
When you finally awaken, a full day has passed.
Each remaining investigator is defeated and suffers 1 mental trauma.

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