

쉬움 / 보통

: –X. X는 당신이 위치한 장소의 고도입니다.

: -1. 실패하면, 이번 테스트가 끝난 후, 당신의 바로 아래쪽 장소로 이동합니다.

: -3. 실패하면, 당신이 조종하는 탐사 자산 하나를 당신이 위치한 장소에 놓습니다(그 자산의 조종권을 잃습니다).

: –4. 실패하면, 가장 가까운 옛것 적이 당신을 향해 1칸 이동합니다. 그 적이 당신과 교전 상태라면, 그 적이 당신을 공격합니다.

지구의 끝자락 캠페인 확장 #96. 금단의 봉우리를 향해 #1.

금단의 봉우리를 향해 - Back


어려움 / 전문가

: -X. X는 당신이 위치한 장소의 고도+2입니다.

: -1. 이번 테스트가 끝난 후, 당신의 바로 아래쪽 장소로 이동합니다.

: -4. 실패하면, 당신이 조종하는 탐사 자산 하나를 당신이 위치한 장소에 놓습니다(그 자산의 조종권을 잃습니다).

: -5. 실패하면, 가장 가까운 옛것 적이 당신을 향해 1칸 이동합니다. 그 적이 당신과 교전 상태라면, 그 적이 당신을 공격합니다.

금단의 봉우리를 향해
금단의 봉우리를 향해


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Q: In the scenario To the Forbidden Peaks, I am moving to a location which has Through the Ice attached – I’m doing the test and I draw the token (HARD/EXPERT variant): I have to move to the location below me. What happens with the test? Is it canceled, because moving to the location with attached treachery is aborted by drawing the chaos token? Or does it continuing resolving (in this situation what happens with moving if I pass the test?) A: Upon further inspection, we believe that the token in To the Forbidden Peaks should have specified that the Forced move occurs after the skill test ends. Please treat the card and token as if this were the case.

  • NB: ArkhamDB now incorporates errata from the Arkham Horror FAQ in its card text, so the ArkhamDB text and the card image above differ, as the ArkhamDB text has been edited to contain this erratum (updated January 2022): Erratum: These card’s effects should read "If you fail, after this test ends…" - FAQ, v.2.1, August 2023

Last updated


Might be considered a spoiler by some, but is probably an important rule clarification for others, in particular new players: Better double check Appendix III of the Rules Reference before playing this game.

Important of note is, that damage and horror from traumata are taken in step 2 (and only at that time, Voice of the Messenger for example does not dish out immediately an additional damage or horror from the trauma you take), while reading the scenario introduction is step 9. So, if you happen to take a trauma in the scenario introduction, you won't start with the additional damage or horror until the game after this one. That's different to all of the in between traumata you might gain in The Forgotten Age, because they happen in interludes, and hence after the previous game, before setting up the next one.

Susumu · 368
I don't know. RAW, sure, but the game breaks the rules in Appendix III all the time: example, in Scenario 1-A of Dreameaters, you may be instructed to begin your opening hand with an additional card. But drawing your opening hand happens in Step 8, and technically reading anything in the scenario intro happens in Step 9. — dscarpac · 1128
That's a good catch. I didn't know, that there are dreams, which let you start with an additional card in the opening hand. We always had dreams, that let you search for a card and play it, which we afair always did after the mulligan. But "Medic or Assistant dream" and the last "Neutral dream" use the same wording as "Studious", and that was clarified to trigger during step 8. Still, there is no need to break the RAW rules in this case. They could have easily wrote the paragraphs in an interlude, all the more, as they got rid of the Mythos-pack release model. I'm not sure, if it is an oversight or intentional. But even if it is a bug, I would go with the RAW interpretation, until they errata it. — Susumu · 368
Pretty sure they should just errata step 9 to before step 1... — Death by Chocolate · 1473
How Butterfly swords work with the "move to the location below you"? Does that mean that cannot exhaust them so to do the next attack in the same turn if I draw this icon in my first attack? — Xandros · 1
Not very clear from the rules how moving to another location during a token resolving process affects the test result. — Overseer · 1