주요목적. Stage 1
단서: –
This is the discovery of a lifetime. Dyer’s report was true - all of it. You must explore this alien civilization in order to learn more...
Spend two keys: Remember that the team "discerned the origin of the Shoggoths."
Spend two keys: Remember that the team "discovered a hidden power."
Objective – If the team has "discerned the origin of the Shoggoths" and "discovered a hidden power," advance.
Lin Hsiang
지구의 끝자락 캠페인 확장 #126. 옛것의 도시 #6.
억겁의 역사 - Back
What you have found is almost too wild to believe. According to the murals and records within the city, a race of monstrous creatures known as "Shoggoths" were created to serve the masters of this city. The Shoggoths were sent deep into the undercity beneath the tallest mountain, where they would construct a gateway to seal some dormant, primordial power, something so terrifying even the Shoggoths’ masters feared it. But the Shoggoths rebelled against them and let the seal decay, leading to the collapse of this ancient civilization...
Suddenly, a distant noise stops you and the other explorers in their tracks: a deep, bellowing roar that seems to come from somewhere far below. You dare not ponder what kind of monstrosity could have made such a hideous sound.
Suddenly, a distant noise stops you and the other explorers in their tracks: a deep, bellowing roar that seems to come from somewhere far below. You dare not ponder what kind of monstrosity could have made such a hideous sound.
Shuffle the set-aside Shoggoths encounter set and the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck.
You know the route into the undercity. Reveal the Hidden Tunnel.
In player order, each investigator draws 1 card from the top of the encounter deck.

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