주요사건. Stage 4
파멸: 3. 단서: –
Miasma has completely consumed this part of the facility. The walls and ceiling drip with polychromatic ooze, polar mist swirls through the halls, and the air shimmers with the insubstantial quality of a mirage. What manner of power is this? And how can you possibly hope to destroy it?
Greg Bobrowski
지구의 끝자락 캠페인 확장 #171. 깊은 곳에 도사린 것 #1.
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From the nameless depths at the very core of the Earth, the miasma’s true form emerges. It is a shapeless thing, a creature of whirling mist and putrid ichor that screams and whispers and crawls and flies. It seeps through the walls and up from the ice; it is everywhere; it is everything.
Spawn 1 set-aside copy of The Nameless Madness enemy at the Mist-Pylon nearest to an investigator.
Check the Campaign Log. If the truth of the mirage eludes you:
You stare, dumbstruck, at the hideous phantasmagoria. The air shimmers with a dreamlike quality about its damnable form, an endless weave of intermingled nightmare and memory. The very sight of it drives you to your knees. It is the final truth. Reality was the mirage.
Each investigator searches their deck for each copy of Tekeli-li and draws them one at a time in a random order, without placing them on the bottom of the Tekeli-li deck. After resolving all of them, shuffle each of them back into their bearer’s deck.

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