주요사건. Stage 4
파멸: 7. 단서: –
Deep fog blots out the moonlight, bathing the city in utter darkness. From the rooftops, ravens watch your progress with inhuman intelligence. Every moving shadow sets your mind racing. If you don't find the man with the red gloves and stop his plans, who knows what he will do next?
Borja Pindado
진홍색 열쇠 캠페인 확장 #5. 비와 수수께끼 #5.
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If it is act 1, 2, or 3:
Despite your best efforts, the trail has gone cold. You cannot find any sign of the man with the red gloves or his cohorts. What's worse, you have no idea what their goal was in London to begin with. You have no choice but to report back to Inspector Flint with what little you have learned.(→R4) (page 8)
If it is act 4:
Your search for the man with the red gloves has led you into a hidden section of the tower prison. You duck under stone archways and sneak through dank, forgotten halls until finally, you find him: the man with the red gloves. He has lifted the lid from a stone crypt and is studying the corpse inside. The moment he sees you enter, he pulls a small ruby marble from the eyesocket of the unfortunate soul, then slips back into the shadows.
(→R3) (page 8)

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