주요목적. Stage 1
단서: 2.
Negotiations didn't go so well after all.
Forced – At the end of the enemy phase: Deal X total damage to investigators at Café Luna, divided as they wish. X is the number of enemies in the shadows.
After a Coterie enemy takes any amount of damage: Discover half that many clues at Café Luna (rounded down).
Carlos Palma Cruchaga
진홍색 열쇠 캠페인 확장 #97. 춤추는 광기 #7.
미행 - Back
With a bit of stealth, a bit of speed, and a lot of luck, you manage to make your way out the club's back entrance and into the streets of Havana. The gunfire continues for a few seconds, then ceases once your attackers realize you're no longer inside. Over the pounding of your heart in your chest, you listen closely for voices and hear Desi's, broken and uneven, on the other side of the building. "Find them — and when you do — end them," he orders. The sound of his voice grates against your mind. "They must not be allowed — to escape." Footsteps pound on the pavement as they split up in search of you.
Shuffle the encounter discard pile and each set-aside Outsider enemy into the encounter deck.
If Desiderio Delgado Álvarez is not in the shadows, return him to the shadows and resolve his concealed keyword.
Put each set-aside Havana location into play.
Take each concealed mini-card in play, shuffle them, and randomly distribute them as evenly as possible among each location other than Café Luna.

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