주요사건. Stage 2
파멸: 5. 단서: –
The longer you stay in this realm, the more your grip on the world you came from begins to slip. Faces, names, and places all fall through the gaps in your memory. You realize with horror that the power of the Outside goes both ways. Simply being in this realm, even of your own volition, is enough to lose yourself.
As an additional cost to enter an unrevealed location, investigators at your location must spend 1 clues, as a group.
After you expose a location: Move to that location (from an adjacent location).
Ryan Barger
진홍색 열쇠 캠페인 확장 #183. 흔적도 없이 #3.
이질적인 땅 - Back
The weight of an infinite, dimensionless universe forces you to your knees. You imagine Taylor's "layer cake," layer upon layer upon layer, worlds upon worlds upon wolrds, and yours is the thinnest of all. You are hurtling through barriers humanity was never meant to cross, and if you remain here any longer, you won't even remember where you came from.
The investigators must choose two options, as a group:
- Each investigator takes 1 damage and 1 horror.
- Each investigator chooses a non-weakness card they control in their hand or play area and sets it aside, out of play, as a hollow.
- Shuffle all concealed mini-cards facedown, then place them at random in the positions they were in.

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