잔재의 도시 - Back


Concealed 1.

Forced - When you expose this location:

- If it is in the left position in the shadows, take 1 damage.

- If it is in the middle position in the shadows, choose a non-weakness card in your hand and set it aside, out of play, as a hollow.

- If it is on the right position in the shadows, take 1 horror.


다른 세계.

장막: 3. 단서: 2.

Forced - After you reveal Cliffs of Insanity: Move each concealed mini-card adjacent to it so they are arranged as evenly as possible in empty spots adjacent to locations not named Cliffs of Insanity.

승점 1.
Walter Brocca
진홍색 열쇠 캠페인 확장 #250. 저 너머의 너머 #8-9.
광기의 벼랑
광기의 벼랑


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