주요사건. Stage 1

파멸: 6. 단서: –
Lita seems convinced of a conspiracy within the city of Arkham. She believes that a secret cult serves the ghouls that live in the crypts beneath the city, and that several of the cult’s prominent members are scattered throughout Arkham. As you begin searching for them, you can’t shake the feeling that you, too, are being hunted.

: Resign. You don't want to risk taking too long, so you head to safety with the information you've gathered.

Sasha Jones
돌아온 광신도의 밤 #26. 돌아온 한밤의 가면 #2.

납골당의 군주


인간형. 괴물. 추종자. 정예.

전투: 3. 체력: 4. 회피: 3.
피해: 1. 공포: 2.

Spawn - Engaged with Prey.
Prey - Nearest to another Cultist enemy.
Narôgath gets +3 health per investigator.
While Narôgath is ready, each investigator at its location or a connecting location cannot Parley with Cultist enemies.

승점 2.
Helge C. Balzer
돌아온 광신도의 밤 #26. 돌아온 한밤의 가면 #2.
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