클로버 클럽 라운지 - Back
Comfortable leather couches, mahogany furniture, and an array of beautiful art greets gamblers, tempting them into the life of the would-be affluent.
클로버 클럽.
장막: 4. 단서: 0
Forced - After Clover Club Lounge is revealed: Put the set-aside Clover Club Stage into play.
While it is Act 1, Clover Club Lounge gains: ": Look at the top card of your deck. If it is an Ally asset, you may put it into play. Otherwise, draw it. (Limit once per round.)"
Yoann Boissonnet
돌아온 던위치의 유산 #16. 돌아온 도박장은 언제나 이긴다 #2.

연관된 카드
- Clover Club Lounge (The Dunwich Legacy #71)
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