주요사건. Stage 1

파멸: 2. 단서: –
The force of the gate grows with the presence of the winged beast. Several of the rearmost train cars are pulled backward, and there is a dreadful metallic crunch as they are detached. The train cars topple upward and into the rift in the sky. Nearby passengers are panicking, others are cowering in their seats, and one elderly man has fainted in fear.
Matt Bradbury
돌아온 던위치의 유산 #27. 돌아온 에식스 카운티 특급열차 #3.

계속 움직여! - Back

The rearmost car of the train detaches as it is pulled backward. To your horror, it rises off the tracks and is consumed by the gate above you.

Remove the leftmost location from the game (or place it in the victory display if it has Victory X and no clues on it). Each investigator at that location is defeated. Each enemy and asset at that location is discarded.

Discard all clues controlled by the investigators.

현실에 난 틈(v.II)
현실에 난 틈(v.II)


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