세스 비숍
요그 소토스의 종복
인간형. 괴물. 흉물. 정예.
전투: 5.
체력: 4.
회피: 5.
피해: 1.
공포: 1.
Forced - When Seth Bishop attacks you during the enemy phase: Either move to Another Dimension after this attack, or Seth Bishop deals +2 damage for this attack.
Forced - After Yog-Sothoth enters Seth Bishop's location (or vice versa): Seth is devoured whole. Remove Seth Bishop from the game. Heal 6 damage from Yog-Sothoth.
승점 2.
Rafał Hrynkiewicz
돌아온 던위치의 유산 #56. 돌아온 시공간을 헤매다 #4.
연관된 카드
- Seth Bishop: Sorcerer of Dunwich (Where Doom Awaits #293)
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