This seems like a great upgrade for multiplayer Carcosa campaigns, especially as run by Carolyn Fern...get 3 clues first, have everyone else join you on your space, then one action and 2 measly resources from you, and everyone on the square gets healing and resources. Using this early in Dim Carcosa in particular would really help.
비용: 2. XP: 4.
당신이 가지고 있는 단서마다(최대 3개까지), 당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 두려움 카드를 1장 버리거나 당신이 위치한 장소에 있는 조사자 한 명의 공포를 2 회복합니다(교차 선택 가능).
- 플라톤, “국가”

연관된 카드
- Logical Reasoning (A Phantom of Truth #191)
No faqs yet for this card.
Too bad you can't discard Dissonant Voices with this. Yeah, I know, you could do it on somebody else, but not on yourself. Bummer.
Where it would be great, though, is with Farsight. Healing damage and horror is usually a hard sell because of all the actions it costs you...but a FAST heal of up to 6 horror among the whole team? Yes, please!
I have two questions about this card:
is it possibile to split the healing between more investigators? or do i have to target the same investigator with every "2 heal" chain?
is it possibile to split effects of card? example:(in case i have 2 clues ) healing 2 horrors to an investigator, and then remove a terror card ?
or do i have to choose only 1 effect and stick with that for all the clues i have?