자산. 마법


비용: 2. XP: 2.


사용(충전 5회).

충전을 1회 소비합니다: 회피. 이번 회피 시도는 대신 를 사용합니다. 당신은 이번 회피 시도에서 +1 를 얻습니다. 성공하면, 선택한 적을 회피한 후 당신은 이어진 장소로 이동해도 됩니다. 이번 회피 시도 동안 , , , , 기호가 공개되면, 당신의 손에서 카드를 1장 선택해서 버립니다.

Justin Adams
돌아온 잊힌 시대 #7.
르리에의 안개


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What a lovely Goldilocks version of this evasion classic! I take the Level 0 version of this card in most of my mystic decks, but I'm rarely willing to shell out 4xp to upgrade it, even though the Level 4 of this card is bonkers good with its +3 to .

But I think I'd pony up for the grande Mists more often than not. That +1 puts most investigators at a comfortable 5 or 6 on the check, and five charges is just as good as the venti version. For me, this card falls right in the sweet spot between the other two. And, as an additional advantage, it can be taken by off-class mystics like Daisy Walker and Sister Mary. Those investigators sometimes have 's too low for the base Mists to be a good idea, but this mini-upgrade could change that calculation. For example, I could see this in a Daisy deck, especially one with a static boost somewhere in the form of Whitton Greene or Holy Rosary.

It also works well with Arcane Research since they are L0 L2 and L4 — Zinjanthropus · 229