주요목적. Stage 4
단서: 2.
For what purpose have these people gathered? Are they the cause of the disturbances in these woods? And if so, what is their true goal?
Objective - "Perhaps we can learn more from them..." If there are more than 1 exhausted Witch enemies at the Witches' Circle, investigators at the Witches' Circle may spend the requisite number of clues, as a group, to advance.
Sebastian Rodriguez
돌아온 끝맺지 못한 의식 #18. 돌아온 마녀의 시간 #2.
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The hooded figures stand down once they realize you are not fighting them or working to disrupt their ritual. "They are not the ones from before - the interlopers who interfered with our ritual," one of them says, pulling off her hood to reveal striking red hair that glows in the firelight. Embers dance around her fingers. "Are you of the same mind as us, then?" she asks.
"nNo, Erynn," the leader of the coven answers for you. "They are lost." She studies you with harsh eyes. "How came you here?"
You explain how you awoke in the woods, how you were attacked by terrible creatures, and how you came to the center of this circle to discover the truth behind your ordeal.
"Anette, I think someone delivered them here," the red-haired witch named Erynn whispers, mystified.
"We should finish here while the circle remains closed. There may be others in these woods. Come, sisters. Let us continue our work," Anette says.
"nNo, Erynn," the leader of the coven answers for you. "They are lost." She studies you with harsh eyes. "How came you here?"
You explain how you awoke in the woods, how you were attacked by terrible creatures, and how you came to the center of this circle to discover the truth behind your ordeal.
"Anette, I think someone delivered them here," the red-haired witch named Erynn whispers, mystified.
"We should finish here while the circle remains closed. There may be others in these woods. Come, sisters. Let us continue our work," Anette says.

연관된 카드
- A Circle Unbroken : A Circle Undone (The Circle Undone #56)
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