인간형. 추종자. 은빛 황혼회.

전투: 1. 체력: 2. 회피: 1.
피해: –. 공포: 1.


: Parley. Test (2) to speak with the Senator. If you succeed, either take control of 1 of his clues, or flip 1 doom on him to its clue side. If you fail, flip one of his clues to its doom side.

"Change is what the people demand, and change is what I aim to give them!"
Tiziano Baracchi
돌아온 끝맺지 못한 의식 #25. 돌아온 죽음의 문턱에서 #2.
상원의원 너새니얼 로즈


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