음모. 기본 약점



폭로 - ‘허무주의’를 플레이 영역 중 당신의 위협 영역에 둡니다.

강제 - 당신이 토큰을 공개/취소/무시한 후: 피해 1과 공포 1을 받습니다.

: ‘허무주의’를 버립니다.

Sara Biddle
재클린 파인 #4.


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Note that unlike many abilities that are resolve when you reveal certain tokens during skill tests, Nihilism's Forced ability, as far as I understand it, occurs even if you reveal, cancel, or ignore tokens outside of skill tests.

This means that Nihilism's Forced ability would also occur when you reveal, cancel, or ignore 's during play of cards like Hypnotic Gaze, Voice of Ra, and also during certain location/agenda/treachery effects that don't involve tests (example: Clover Club Cardroom).

iceysnowman · 164
Spot on my friend. — LaRoix · 1645
It should also be noted that Nihilism has another line of text not shown here: "[action][action]: Discard Nihilism." So while it's still annoying, it is possible to get rid of it. — SGPrometheus · 827
Although, losing 2/3 of a turn can be brutal, especially playing Solo. At least you can control it to some degree. — LivefromBenefitSt · 1073
I tend to always ignore it. Granted, if you are playing Jacqueline Fine or any deck utilizing Olive McBride it might be hard to do that. — AlderSign · 314