자산. 신체

물품. 방어구.

비용: 0. XP: 1.

체력: 4. 정신력: –.

강제 - ‘가죽 코트’가 피해로 쓰러질 때: ‘가죽 코트’를 추방합니다.

이 코트의 유행은 한참 지났습니다. 하지만 두툼한 탓에 따뜻하고, 적의 위협에도 걱정이 없을 것 같습니다.
Andreia Ugrai
스텔라 클라크 #21.
가죽 코트


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This card seems like a good value for most survivor investigators, because if you really need the 4 damage can rebuy it with all the experience you havent spent. This card is terrible in tommy muldoon. You dont trigger his ability, and he needs his experience. Survivors with extra experience, yes tommy, no.

really good with scavenging/yorick where you can absorb 3 damage and then overwrite it, with that final point being for extra security. — Zerogrim · 295