

비용: 2. XP: 2.


신속. 당신이 조사하는 동안 난이도에 모자란 차이 3 이하로 능력 테스트에 실패한 후 플레이할 수 있습니다.

당신이 위치한 장소 및 이어진 장소들에서 단서를 도합 2개 발견합니다.

Mark Molnar
스텔라 클라크 #24.
“이것 좀 봐!”


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This is really good in Solo, where the versatility of choosing 2 clues at 1 location or 1 clue at 2 is very helpful. Even in Multiplayer, this is a useful option to have available. Plus the generous 3 failure margin makes almost all locations within the grasp of every Survivor (except, maybe, a very early game Calvin Wright. It's a very nice upgrade of an already-solid card.

Try it combo with Skid (Paralleled) then trigger Double, double. Boom getting 4 Clues around place! — AquaDrehz · 198
Or Preston! — MrGoldbee · 1473
I disagree. In solo you get all the clues from a location, then move on. I think the tiny improvements on this card from the level 0 version make it a real stretch for 2 xp. — housh · 171
Even in multiplayer this can be useful: have a low shroud location next to high shroud location with clues? Investigate the low shroud, fail, and then grab from the high shroud. Useful for secondary cluevers to help out. — ricedwlit · 3