주요목적. Stage 2
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Glowing words continue to appear on your note. “The Chamber of Poison awaits,” it reads. “One of you must open the way,” your note reads. “A sacrifice, for the greater good.”
Timed - Do not advance this act until you are instructed. Before the agenda advances, one investigator must activate the ability on the Chamber of Poison.
Anthony Devine
광기의 미궁 #12. 광기의 미궁 #6.
독 웅덩이 - Back
If no investigator activated the ability on the Chamber of Poison:
If an investigator activated the ability on the Chamber of Poison, that investigator reads the following:
- If you have “been injected,” the sludge is disgusting but harmless. Resolve Act 3 Setup.
- If you have not “been injected,” its poison seeps through your skin, devouring your organs from inside. You are killed. Resolve Act 3 Setup.
If no investigator activated the ability on the Chamber of Poison:
The floors and walls of the entire labyrinth shift and turn, and you lose your balance. Sliding along the floor as gravity twists, you are knocked into the poisonous pit.
Move each investigator to the Chamber of Poison. Each investigator in this group who has not “been injected” is killed. Resolve Act 3 Setup.

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