Johnny Valone
Ready to Make a Deal
Leader. Guest. Syndicate.
비용: –.
체력: 3.
정신력: 2.
You get +1 .
After you gain 1 or more resources via a card effect, exhaust Johnny Valone: Draw 1 card and gain 1 resource.
Forced - When Johnny Valone leaves play: Remove him from the game.
"Fifty clams when the job's done."
Jeff Lee Johnson
The Midwinter Gala #28. The Midwinter Gala #28.
Johnny Valone
Here to Collect
Humanoid. Leader. Rival. Elite.
전투: 3.
체력: –.
회피: 2.
피해: –.
공포: 1.
Aloof. Hunter.
Johnny Valone cannot be damaged.
Forced - When you end your turn at Johnny Valone's location: Lose 2 resources.
"The debt must be paid!"
Jeff Lee Johnson
The Midwinter Gala #28. The Midwinter Gala #28.

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