주요목적. Stage 1
단서: –
The abbess addresses you privately: "So, you know what is coming?" You nod. "Then you know what must be done. They are using the celebration as a sacrifice for their wretched master. Bring as many innocents as you can here, where I can protect them. But beware - the creature's servants will try to blend into the crowd with their false masks."
The investigators spend 1 clues, as a group: Look at the other side of a Masked Carnevale-Goer at any location.
Objective - If there are a total of 3 Innocent Revelers underneath the act and/or agenda decks, advance.
Carnevale of Horrors #5. Carnevale of Horrors #5.
The Beast Emerges - Back
Many of the revelers are under the sway of a foul spell, and they cannot see the danger emerging around them. You push your way through the crowded streets, gathering what few sane revelers you can find and guiding them toward the relative safety of the Basilica. As the last of them is escorted inside, the ground shakes violently, and a watery shape looms above the island to the south from deep within the lagoon. Their ritual nearly finished, the "revelers" in the streets begin to unmask...
Put the set-aside Cnidathqua enemy into play in the center of all of the locations. For the remainder of the scenario, Cnidathqua is considered to be in play but is not at any location.
The lead investigator chooses a Masked Carnevale-Goer in play and flips it to its other side.

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