주요목적. Stage 3

단서: –
Xzharah is gathering his strength, slaying each and every dreamer who crosses between this realm and the Abyss beyond. When the last soul is his, who will be left to prevent his conquest?

Objective - "We have to find a way to stop him!" If Xzharah is exhausted, an investigator at his location may choose to advance. (Limit once per phase.)

Aurore Folny
심연의 수호자 #21. 밤의 찬탈자 #6.

짜라를 물리치다 - Back

Xzharah cannot be stopped by means you alone possess. Perhaps if you learn more about the realm beyond the gateway, you can find a way to end this vile ritual.

If at least three of the following requirements are met, you may proceed to (→R2). Otherwise, flip this act back to its "a" side.

- Xzharah must have no remaining health.

- Investigators must possess 3 clues, as a group.

- The strength of the abyss must be 4 or lower.

- The investigators must have "freed the nightgaunts," "warned the denizens of Sarkomand," and "pled for help."

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