웬트워스 무어 박사
어두운 탄원자
인간형. 추종자. 형제단.
전투: 3.
체력: 1.
회피: 3.
피해: 1.
공포: 1.
Spawn - Museum of Egyptian Antiquities.
Dr. Wentworth Moore cannot be damaged while there is a ready Monster enemy at his location.
Forced - After Dr. Wentworth Moore enters play: Search the encounter deck and discard pile for a Monster enemy, and spawn it at his location. Shuffle the encounter deck.
승점 1.
Rafał Hrynkiewicz
심연의 수호자 #32. 야수 결사단 #2.
After an investigator has "sabotaged the train," read the following (if this task has already been completed, read the following immediately):
You manage to corner Dr. Moore as he tries to escape the city on foot. "Very clever," he admits. "But you're already out of time. Lock me up, it doesn't matter. The dreamers will be sacrificed, and our Chosen will lead us to a new age." But after several hours, he is begging to be let out of the city. "Please, the reaper is coming! Neith is coming for us all. We'll all be sacrificed, don't you understand? You and me both! All of us need to flee the city while we still can!"
Remove 1 strength from the abyss. (Group limit once per game.)
승점 1.
Despite your best efforts, Dr. Moore slips away while you are occupied by his 'bodyguard'. With the creature defeated, and you hot on his trail, you suspect he will try to escape the city while he has the chance.
심연의 수호자 #32. 야수 결사단 #2.

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